
Teaching is very important to me. It’s one of the most rewarding aspects of my job. I have been fortunate to have had the privilege of teaching philosophy professionally in Toronto and Honolulu, two very multi-cultural cities. I have learned much from my students.

In 2015, I was awarded the TATP University of Toronto Teaching Assistant Award. This award is given out annually to the top 4 TA’s of the University’s 6000 graduate student TA’s. Here is an interview I gave about winning the award.

Below you can find some materials related to my teaching, including sample syllabuses and my teaching dossier.

Here are some syllabuses from courses that I have taught in the past and will teach in the future.

Indian Buddhist Philosophy: A Survey – syllabus

Introduction to Philosophy: Morals and Society – syllabus

Philosophical Psychology: Conceptual Foundations for the Science of Consciousness – syllabus

Phenomenology and its Discontents – syllabus

Graduate Seminar in Buddhist Philosophy – syllabus

You can find my teaching dossier here.